Pay & Allowances




Types of Allotments


What types of allotments are available?


There are two main types of allotments, discretionary and non-discretionary.  
A member can designate no more than six discretionary allotments. Some examples of discretionary allotments include:

1. Payments on commercial life insurance premiums
2. Voluntary payments to dependents or other relatives
3. Deposits to financial institutions, mutual fund companies, or investments
4. Mortgage or rent
5. Payments to repay a loan from a loan or finance company
6. Deposits into the Savings Deposit Program

A member is NOT limited to the number of non-discretionary allotments he/she can have. Non-discretionary allotments are limited to the following:

1. Purchase of U.S. Savings Bond
2. Relief repayments
3. Government Indebtedness
4. Charity
5. Child and spousal support
6. Assistance Funds
7. Debts for non-discretionary allotments
8. Involuntary allotments such as payment of delinquent taxes, court ordered payments, Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), etc.

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