
Login ID



What is my Login ID?


What is my Login ID?


Your Login ID will be 6 -- 129 characters you choose, containing letters, numbers and certain special characters.  

 	You cannot use 9 numbers for the Login ID.
 	The Login ID may not contain spaces.
 	The Login ID must not be less than 6 characters and cannot be more than 129 characters.
 	For a Login ID using an email address, the email address can be no more than 129 characters.
 	You will not be allowed to use the same Login ID that someone else is using.  
 	The Login ID may contain alphabetic (letters) and/or numeric characters and may also contain the following special characters:
                          @ (at sign)
                          _  (underscore)
                           -   (dash)
                           .   (period)

Note: If you were given a Limited Access Password by a myPay customer, you will also be provided your own Login ID from the myPay customer once they have established one for you.

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