
Printing and Saving Statements



How do I print and save my LES without using a mouse?


How do I print and save my LES without using a mouse?


You can obtain your LES from myPay without using a mouse. When on the LES screen, you'll find a button labeled Printer Friendly LES.

Printer Friendly LES Button
Pressing ENTER on the Printer Friendly LES button gives you several options to consider. If you have the Adobe accessibility setting turned on in Adobe Acrobat, the program will try to read the LES. Acrobat may or may not display the "reading untagged document" dialog box. If you want to print your LES, you need to answer "cancel" to this dialog box. Acrobat will then go ahead and display the LES on your screen without performing the accessibility features of the program. Users of Jaws for Windows may hear the words "document not available." The LES is actually on the screen at this time. To go ahead and print, select PRINT (Alt f) from the dropdown menu or just press (Ctrl + p). The windows printer dialog will appear. Select OK and your LES will print.

Download Icon
When on the Printer Friendly Screen, tab over to the DOWNLOAD icon and then press ENTER to open the 'Save As' dialog box. This gives you the option of saving your LES to your computer as a PDF. Users with screen reader software such as JAWS For Windows can use the application to read back the LES saved as a PDF.

Using Chrome:
1.	Tab to Printer Friendly LES
    a.	Press ENTER
    b.	myPay will open PDF in new window (modal)
2.	To Print
    a.	Tab to PRINT icon
    b.	Native print dialog window will open presenting various print options
3.	To Save
    a.	Tab to DOWNLOAD icon
    b.	Native save dialog window will open presenting options
4.	To Read
    a.	Select the JAWS SAY ALL keystroke combination once PDF window (modal) opens

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