
Password Support



Why isn't my temporary password working or missing characters?


Why isn't my temporary password working or missing characters?


myPay temporary passwords are always 9 characters, case sensitive, and include the following: 1 upper case alpha, 1 lower case alpha, 1 special character, and 6 numerics. 
Check to make sure you are entering the temporary password using exactly the format provided. Using copy and paste is not recommended.
If you requested a temporary password by text message, check the format of the password received.  How a text message appears on an individual phone or other personal device is controlled by the application receiving the message.
Some cell phone text message applications or carriers have settings that will remove the special character or change the formatting of the password such as underlining the numeric portion.  You may have the option to change settings for the application or device. Check with your provider.
If changing your application's settings is not an option, alternatively, you may try to use a different messaging application that may display the entire temporary password or you may choose to request a new temporary password using a different method (government email or mail).

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