Ask Military Pay -- Online Customer Service
Save/Saved Pay
What is Save Pay and who is entitled to receive it?
If an enlisted member accepts an appointment as an officer or if a warrant officer accepts an appointment as a commissioned officer, Saved Pay (or "Save Pay") will offset any differences in pay if the enlisted or warrant officer pay was greater.For example, an E-9 accepts an appointment as a W-2. His old pay and entitlements as an E-9 totaled $5,000 per month. His new pay and entitlements as a W-2 totaled $4,500 per month. The $500 difference will be reflected on the member's leave and earnings statement (LES) as "Save Pay."
A member who is not entitled to Save Pay may have it listed on his/her account or LES because Save Pay may be used to pay other entitlements. It is recommended that the service member contact his/her servicing finance office in this situation to determine what the Save Pay entitlement was processed for.
For more information about Military Pay, visit The DFAS Military Pay Website.
To view this FAQ's reference, visit the DoD FMR Volume 7A Chapter 1 Paragraph 010203.
incentive pay special duty allowance allowances alowance alowances hdp hardship foreign fdp hdp-m hpdm mission assignment hdp-l hdpl hdp-l(da) hdplda hdp-lda hdp-l(cp) hdplcp hdp-lcp location designated area certain places combat deploy deployment deployed commission save saved LES leave earnings statement offsetincentive pay special duty allowance allowances alowance alowances hdp hardship foreign fdp hdp-m hpdm mission assignment hdp-l hdpl hdp-l(da) hdplda hdp-lda hdp-l(cp) hdplcp hdp-lcp location designated area certain places combat deploy deployment deployed commission save saved LES leave earnings statement offset