Pay & Allowances

Basic Pay



Advance Pay Eligibility


Who is authorized advance pay?


Any active duty member of the Armed Services that has PCS orders in hand and is either within 30 days of making a PCS move or 0-60 days after making a PCS move may be authorized an advance of pay in the amount of 1 month of basic pay less deductions (may be up to 3 months of basic pay less deductions if justified). The member must have approval from his/her commanding or recruiting officer.

Any Reserve Forces member who is ordered to active duty for 140 days or more or is on extended active duty may be authorized an advance of pay as well.

Advance pay, not to exceed basic pay for 1 month, may also be paid to a member of the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program on active duty when reporting for the annual 45 day active duty tour.

An advance of pay may also be made for Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets and Midshipmen ordered to field training or practice cruises. The advance of pay may not exceed 1 month of the entitlement or the amount the SROTC member will accrue for the training, whichever is less.

For a complete list of events governing advance payments, visit The DoDFMR Volume 7A Chapter 32 Paragraphs 320101-09.

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