ATTENTION AIR FORCE & SPACE FORCE MEMBERS: Actively serving members of the Air Force, Space Force, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve should now contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) for 24/7 support for Military Pay via phone at 1-800-525-0102 or submit a myFSS ticket.

Before submitting a question, browse our FAQs. You will find most of your answers there.

Please note, only Army and Navy pay questions are supported by this area.  FOR MOST MARINE CORPS MIL PAY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE OR FINANCE OFFICE.  Only TSP, Archived Pay Records, Casualty Payments, and SDP collections contributed at another branch of service's Finance Office, are handled by DFAS-CL.  For garnishment questions, please click here. For questions about the myPay application please visit Ask myPay. All branches of service are covered under the garnishment site and askMyPay sites.

Frequently Asked Questions
Obtaining W-2
2.5 out of 5
Change State of Residency
4 out of 5
Taxable and Non-taxable Pay
3.5 out of 5
Disability Severance Pay and Taxes
3.5 out of 5
Federal Income Tax Withholding
2.5 out of 5
Additional Tax Withholding
3 out of 5
W-2 Correction
2.5 out of 5
3 out of 5
Filing Extension for Combat Zone
3 out of 5
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If you did not find the answer you are looking for in the FAQs, fill out the request below and click on the "Submit" button.
Thank you.

Your Information

Pay & Allowances
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If you would like this information and responses sent to additional email addresses, enter them here. Separate multiple addresses with the semi-colon (;)
Create a passcode for this ticket to view information and responses. Passcodes must be a minimum of 15 characters and contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. Passcodes cannot contain your name or email address. Safeguard your passcode for future use.
PEBD is your pay date and can be located at the top of your Leave and Earning Statement (LES).
Current Rank or Last Rank prior to separation
Please select the BOS for which this request applies.
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Upload selected files to your ticket. If you have chosen to include files, you must click the Upload Files button before pressing the submit button to make sure they get included.
Submits your item to a customer service representative.
Cancels your inquiry and returns you back to the FAQ Page.
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Disclosure of your contact and other information is voluntary. It is solicited for the sole purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. If it is not provided, we may not be able to respond.