Frequently Asked Questions
Can I make monthly payments on my debt?
3.5 out of 5
Can I request reduced monthly payments?
3.5 out of 5
Can I pay my debt online?
3 out of 5
I can't afford amount being deducted from my pay. What are my options?
3 out of 5
Do I have to make payments when protesting the debt or filing for a waiver/correction of records?
2.5 out of 5
Can my debt be collected from my active duty or reserve/guard pay?
4 out of 5
Can my debt be deducted from my retired pay?
3 out of 5
Is there any way I can arrange for automatic withdrawals from my checking account?
2 out of 5
Can I establish an allotment from my retired pay to repay my debt?
2.5 out of 5
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If you are requesting a protest or assistance for any other debt, claim or payment, please see our other AskDFAS request forms, or Click Here to access the website.

If you did not find the answer you are looking for in the FAQs, fill out the request below and click on the "Submit" button. Please complete the following form and attach all necessary documents to ensure accurate processing.

Please Click Here for the ONLINE DEBT PAYMENT STATUS for immediate account balance information.

Thank You!

Your Information

Debt Repayment
DFAS Proposed Payment
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Create a passcode for this ticket to view information and responses. Passcodes must be a minimum of 15 characters and contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. Passcodes cannot contain your name or email address. Safeguard your passcode for future use.
DFAS by rule, is not permitted to send sensitive information to an unsecure email address (Yahoo!, Gmail, AOL, etc.). If you are willing to acknowledge and accept the risks involved in sending sensitive documents to an unsecure email address and release DFAS from any harm that may result, please check YES below to give DFAS permission to send the sensitive documents to your commercial email address.

Account number begins with CL, DE, IN, KC, or MS. (ex. IN123J321) *NOTE* If account number is not available, you may enter your social security number with no spaces or dashes.
Branch of Service in which the debt incurred or a Correction of Record/Claim is to be filed.
California (CA) Canada (CN) Macedonia (MK)
Nine digit phone number including area code. No dashes, spaces, or special characters.

Information and Documentation

This request form is for former Army/Air Force/Navy/Marine active, reserve or guard members as well as separated Civilian Employees who are submitting a request to establish an installment agreement or payment plan to pay an Out-of-Service debt account.

In order to process your request, you must complete a Voluntary Repayment Agreement (VRA) and Financial Hardship Application (FHA) form and attach them to this request.

Required - VRA and FHA Form

Required - Supporting documents as stated in the VRA/FHA Application
*At least 1 file must be uploaded.

Upload the required DFAS Proposed Installment Payment Agreement, the required Financial Hardship (FH) Application, as well as all other supporting documents to your ticket. You must click the Upload Files button before pressing the submit button to make sure they get included.
Submits your item to a customer service representative.
Cancels your inquiry and returns you back to the FAQ Page.
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Disclosure of your contact and other information is voluntary. It is solicited for the sole purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. If it is not provided, we may not be able to respond.