Your Information

Air Force / Space Force
Incapacitated Child
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Create a passcode for this ticket to view information and responses. Passcodes must be a minimum of 15 characters and contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. Passcodes cannot contain your name or email address. Safeguard your passcode for future use.
DFAS by rule, is not permitted to send sensitive information to an unsecure email address (Yahoo!, Gmail, AOL, etc.). If you are willing to acknowledge and accept the risks involved in sending sensitive documents to an unsecure email address and release DFAS from any harm that may result, please check YES below to give DFAS permission to send the sensitive documents to your commercial email address.

Phone number including area code. No dashes, spaces, or special characters.
For information about a specific dependent types, required documentation, or what is required to apply, visit Secondary Dependency-General Information
*You will need to send more than one document. Failure to provide supporting documents may delay or prevent consideration of your application.
*At least 1 file must be uploaded.

IMPORTANT: To ensure you uploaded the selected files to your application, you must click the Upload File(s) button before pressing the submit button.
Submits your item to a customer service representative.
Cancels your inquiry and returns you back to the FAQ Page.
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Disclosure of your contact and other information is voluntary. It is solicited for the sole purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. If it is not provided, we may not be able to respond.